Brutal Politics

Gain a Friendly reputation with the Magram, then speak with Warug.

Desolace is a land at war. The centaurs wage war with each other, and we believe the victor among them will spill out and threaten our strongholds. That, we cannot allow
We must learn how to beat the centaurs, and to do that... we must ally with one of the clans. The Magram centaurs war with the Gelkis. If you fight the Gelkis then the Magram might consider an alliance.

Earn the favor of the Magrams then speak with Warug, in the Magram village in southeastern Desolace.



You will go now, or the Magram will crush you! To be our friend, you must kill Gelkis.

Many Gelkis fall to you. I like that. Maybe you can do more things I like. Maybe you and the Magram can be friends.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 2050 experience
  • -500 reputation with Gelkis Clan Centaur
  • 250 reputation with Magram Clan Centaur
Brutal PoliticsAssault on the KolkarBroken TearsGizmo for WarugKhan ShakaKhan HrathaMagram Alliance