The Arakkoa Threat

Gremni Longbeard in Hellfire Peninsula wants you to slay 4 Haal'eshi Windwalkers and 6 Haal'eshi Talonguards.

The arakkoa are smart creatures... smart as any gnome you ever met. They have this way with magic and a violent temper, however. Lately they've taken to attacking Honor Hold patrols, which is why we were sent here. See, Mirren and I are world-famous marksmen, we are! But fowl and game are what we specialize in... not these... lightning-invoking birdmen. So what do you say you give us a hand in this one assignment? You'll find the Den of Haal'esh to the southwest.



You're back! How did you do?

Great job, <Name>! I hereby proclaim you an honorary Longbeard. Stick around and have a drink with us, won't you?

You will receive:

5 Gold
80 Silver
6 Gold
43 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1750 experience
  • 250 reputation with Honor Hold