Down the Dead Scar

Slay 10 Risen Hungerers and 10 Gangled Cannibals on the Dead Scar. Return to Deathstalker Rathiel in Tranquillien for a reward.

If you've made it this far then you probably know about the Dead Scar and how to this day mindless Scourge follow the path of destruction that Arthas created on his way to Silvermoon City. Make yourself useful and thin down the Scourge's numbers in the Scar. If you prove to be worth your salt I'll put in a good word for you.



Are you done with your task yet?

Not bad, <Name>. Keep it up, we could use a few more people like you around here.

You will receive:

6 Silver
12 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1000 experience
  • 1000 reputation with Tranquillien