Arathi Basin Resources!

Win the battle for Arathi Basin, get an Arathi Resource Crate, and return it to Sergeant Maclear at Refuge Pointe.

War must be fought with soldiers, any soldier will tell you. They'll also say that a battle fought with poor gear or on an empty stomach is lost before it starts! That is why Arathi Basin is important. There are key areas in the basin that hold essential resources. Metals, weapons, food, lumber - all are needed, and all can be gained there. That is what I want from you, <Name>. Enter Arathi Basin, win the battle by holding more bases than the enemy, and return to me with a crate of resources.



Do you have the resource crate, <Name>? The League of Arathor can't fight a decent battle without them...

You got the resources! Great job! I'll send the resources to our quartermasters, who can quickly disperse them to our troops. Thank you, <Name>. Indeed, performing successful missions like the one you achieved are how wars are truly won.

You will receive:

1 Gold
95 Silver
2 Gold
28 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 5500 experience
  • 500 reputation with The League of Arathor