Vanquish the Invaders!

Enter Warsong Gulch and defeat the Horde, obtain a Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor, and return to Sentinel Farsong at the Silverwing Grove.

Beyond this tunnel you will find a field of strife and turmoil, young <Class>. The Horde continue to decimate our sacred forest, cutting down the evergreen foliage to power their machines of war. Enter Warsong Gulch and defend Silverwing Hold. Push back the invading Horde forces! Do this, and earn a talisman of merit. Bring me such a talisman, <Name>, and I shall reward you.




You will receive:

2 Gold
50 Silver
2 Gold
99 Silver
50 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 8250 experience
  • 500 reputation with Silverwing Sentinels