Refuel for the Zapping

Collect 6 Water Elemental Cores from the Sea Elementals and Sea Sprays along the Forgotten Coast of Feralas, and bring them back to Zorbin Fandazzle who is near the dock there.

More work, you say? Did my heroic mission of collecting bits of goo found inside elemental beings not slake your thirst for adventure? Perhaps more of the same will vainly try to fill the bottomless well of questing you possess... OK, melodrama aside, I do need more water elemental cores. I'm trying desperately to set up shop here, so the rewards won't be as great... but I promise you I'll tell everyone in earshot how you've helped me. Trust me on this - I know people in the Cartel!



Have you managed to find the elemental cores I need?

Top notch, <Name>, top notch! While the coin I give you might not be the most you'll ever receive for such work, rest assured my comrades in the Steamwheedle Cartel will hear about your efforts! If you are looking for anything else to do, then let me know. I can always use more elemental cores and such.

You will receive:

21 Silver
21 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 25 reputation with Steamwheedle Cartel
Quest Item Drops