Again With the Zapped Giants

Use Zorbin's Ultra-Shrinker to zap any kind of giant found in Feralas into a more manageable form. Bring 10 Miniaturization Residues found on the zapped versions of these giants to Zorbin Fandazzle at the docks of the Forgotten Coast, Feralas.

I know you've gathered residue for me already... but should you find yourself for want of an encore performance to a fun-time activity, I can always use more residue. While I can't offer nearly as much in the way of compensation again, I'll be more than happy to spread the good word of your service to all my goblin friends with ears. Believe me <sir / madam> when I say that these goblins have quite large ears.



Ah, the fruits of research and utilization in the form of sweet, sweet residue. Well, that is to say, I don't taste it or anything when I study it. Much.

Inconceivably fantastical, <Name>! You've come through for me again, and for that I thank you. Thank you! While you may find this coin to be a little less than you're accustomed to, rest assured your great deeds on the field of goblindom are echoing through the halls of power in the Steamwheedle Cartel. Should you need something else to do, then by all means talk to me!

You will receive:

21 Silver
21 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 25 reputation with Steamwheedle Cartel
Quest Item Drops