Pusillin and the Elder Azj'Tordin

Travel to Dire Maul and locate the Imp, Pusillin. Convince Pusillin to give you Azj'Tordin's Book of Incantations through any means necessary. Return to Azj'Tordin at the Lariss Pavilion in Feralas should you recover the Book of Incantations.

I had let my guard down for only one moment, stranger. In my haste to escape the grip of the fallen Prince, I was robbed. A most foul demon, the imp Pusillin, pilfered my book of incantations and the key to the once great halls of Eldre'Thalas. I no longer hold interest in the key, as I have exchanged my immortality for freedom, but I desperately need my book of incantations. Find the imp, Pusillin, and recover my book. Search the Warpwood Quarter of Dire Maul for Pusillin.



I regret nothing, stranger. The Queen has long since passed. The works of the Shen'Dralar have been marred by the madness of Prince Tortheldrin. I seek only freedom... Escape...

You have found it! A curse upon that miserable imp. Alas, my material possessions are meager at best. You may choose from what I have to offer.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:

You will also receive:

1 Gold
75 Silver
2 Gold
56 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 13500 experience
  • 500 reputation with Shen'dralar
Quest Item Drops


Book of Incantations

