The Battle for Alterac

Enter Alterac Valley and defeat the dwarven general, Vanndar Stormpike. Then, return to Voggah Deathgrip in the Alterac Mountains.

The Stormpike dwarves and their allies have invaded Alterac Valley, and we must drive them out! To win the battle for Alterac, we must defeat their general, Vanndar Stormpike! You will find Vanndar in Dun Baldar, in the north of Alterac Valley. Destroy him, <Name>, and then return to me.



Well done, <Name>! Stormpikes have no hope in this foolish invasion. Hah! So far, all they've done is get their general killed!

You will receive:

22 Gold
20 Silver
42 Gold
6 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 331000 experience
  • 500 reputation with Orgrimmar
  • 500 reputation with Frostwolf Clan