King of the Foulweald

Place Karang's Banner on the Foulweald Totem Mound. Do not let the furbolgs destroy the banner. Defeat Chief Murgut and bring Murgut's Totem to Karang Amakkar at Zoram'gar.

<Name>, another tribe of Furbolgs, the Foulweald, live southeast of Astranaar. They are not as many as the Thistlefur, but their ferocity poses a future threat. With a show of force, we can remove that threat. Take this banner, go to the Foulweald village and place it on their totem mound. They will try to destroy the banner, but hold your ground until their chief, Murgut, appears to save face for the tribe. Bring me the totem he carries. Gather your allies, <Name>. This is no task for a single <Class>.



Did you defeat Chief Murgut, <Name>? Did you retrieve his Foulweald Totem?

Good work, <Name>. Issuing that challenge to the Foulwealds and defeating their leader sends them a strong message: The Horde is not to be trifled with. I don't believe that tribe will be giving us much trouble for a long time.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:

You will also receive:

20 Silver
36 Silver
20 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 2700 experience
Between a Rock and a ThistlefurKing of the Foulweald