That's Asking A Lot

Smokey LaRue wants you to get 2 Thorium Bars, 1 Golden Rod, 8 Hi-Explosive Bombs, and 8 Unstable Triggers. You will have to find a blacksmith and an engineer for these items.

These here Argent Dawn people commissioned ol' Smokey to do a little demolition work for 'em. Smokey's mammy ain't raised no dummy. When gold coin is slapped on the table, Smokey's services are available. That's my motto! Now I'd be willing to split the commission with you if you're willing to do a little legwork. Here's the deal: I'm going to head over to Plaguewood and mark the buildings we need destroyed. You gather the components for the bombs. Meet back here when you've got everything. Deal?



Trust ol' Smokey, <Race>. The reward will be worth it. These Argent Dawn folk don't mess around when it comes to payment.

I can pay you half up front and half when the job is done.

You will receive:

1 Gold
75 Silver
2 Gold
29 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 9000 experience