In Favor of Spirituality

Speak to Tai'jin in Durotar.

Aye, mon. Our kind have joined the Horde because they be good for us. They loyal, and they teach us much 'bout tings like honor. But our old ways die hard. The orcs may not approve of all our traditions, but that not mean we can't continue to practice some them in secret. You know this, an' that's why I send you to Tai'jin in Razor Hill. She teach you more 'bout our history. She teach you the ways of our tribe. Go to her when you be ready.


Ahh... so you finally come to Tai'jin. This be good. You already know that we are not da same tribe that once joined with the Horde. We be much stronger now. We stronger 'cause we adapt--the Horde teach us that much. We no longer defeat our enemies and gain strength from them; now we gain strength, and then defeat our enemies. The difference be subtle, but you will learn. You will see. The tribe count on you to learn such things.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 100 experience