The Archivist

Travel to Stratholme and find Archivist Galford of the Scarlet Crusade. Destroy him and burn down the Scarlet Archive.

Anything taken to an extreme is hazardous to our world, <Name>. Take for example, the Scarlet Crusade. Do you believe that their blind zealotry serves a greater good? How many innocents have they destroyed in the name of the Light? Blasphemers, one and all! One in particular interests me, though; the Archivist Galford of Stratholme: A man that watches over the Crusade's most valued documents. Destroy him and burn down his archives! Should you succeed, return to me and be rewarded.



Remember, <Name> - we must be tolerant yet rigid in our beliefs!

Outstanding, <Name>! Years of intelligence, lost! The Scarlet Crusade will surely feel this blow in the coming weeks.

You will receive:

1 Gold
80 Silver
2 Gold
67 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 14500 experience
  • 500 reputation with Argent Dawn