Villains of Darrowshire

Bring the Skull of Horgus and the Shattered Sword of Marduk to Carlin Redpath at Light's Hope Chapel.

The Annals of Darrowshire tells of the villains of that battle. It tells how the ghoul lord Horgus the Ravager was destroyed by Alliance forces during the battle. His body was cast into a lake, northwest of Corin's Crossing, and his skull remains there. Marduk the Black was never defeated, but his fabled sword was shattered and lost. It lies at the bottom of the gorge west of Corin's Crossing. Retrieve these items, <Name>. I know not why, but I am certain their fate lies with you.



Did you find the skull and the sword, <Name>?

You found them! Well done, <Name>! These relics hold a power I do not fully understand, a power you will one day harness. They also bring dark memories to my mind, memories of death and treachery, and of the last night of Darrowshire...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 8750 experience
  • 250 reputation with Argent Dawn