Bounty on Murlocs

Bring 8 Torn Murloc Fins to Guard Thomas at the east Elwynn bridge.

The Stormwind Army has placed a bounty on murloc lurkers and foragers in Elwynn. Slaughter them and bring me their torn murloc fins, and the Stormwind Army will reward you well. The murlocs have built a village at Stone Cairn Lake north of here, and another to the south where the stream forks.



How goes the hunting, <Name>?

You have the fins? Great! Marshal Dughan is anxious about the Murloc situation in eastern Elwynn, and I'd like to tell him that it's becoming under control. Your actions have helped realize that.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 850 experience
  • 250 reputation with Stormwind
Quest Item Drops