Chasing A-Me 01

Find A-Me 01 in Un'Goro Crater.

Unfortunately, something's happened to one of my greatest inventions. You've seen mechanical squirrels, yes? Well, to get closer to the apes of Un'Goro Crater, I created a mechanical ape to blend in with their kind--I call her A-Me 01. She has scrying gems for eyes so I could see everything she saw. She made it to Fungal Rock--the apes' lair--just east of here, and that's when I lost contact. The last thing I saw was one of their alpha males rushing up to say hello to her! Can you help me find her?



As you look A-Me 01 over, you see two huge dents tarnishing what Karna obviously feels is a well-crafted piece of engineering. One dent decorates A-Me 01's shoulder, the other is on her head. No power seems to be running through her components as you investigate further.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 3800 experience