Disharmony of Fire

Enter Blackrock Depths and track down Lord Incendius. Slay him and return any source of information you may find to Thunderheart.

I can taste the foulness in the air that surrounds you, <Name>. There is another, hidden in the depths of Blackrock, who does control this foulness. The wind and earth cry his name: Lord Incendius... but someone... something... commands this being. He is merely an emissary. Find him and discover where his master hides. Return to me when you have collected this information.



The flames will soon overtake these lands. Make haste, <Name>!

<Thunderheart clutches the Tablet of Kurniya.> Ragnaros... here... The elders were right to fear the corruption emanating from Blackrock Mountain. A general of the Old Gods! IN OUR WORLD! We must reassess our position here in Kargath. We must decide on whether we stay and fight or run for fear of a new sundering. Be weary of any further exploration in Blackrock Mountain, <Name>. A far greater evil than anything that exists in this world resides in those fiery depths.


You will also receive:

2 Gold
55 Silver
3 Gold
30 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 12500 experience
  • 500 reputation with Thunder Bluff
Quest Item Drops

Lord Incendius

Tablet of Kurniya

