An Orphan Looking For a Home

Speak to Quentin in Thousand Needles.

Oh, hello, <Name>. I'm so glad to see you again. How was your trip to Darnassus? Well, you'll be happy to know that we've made quite a bit of progress while you've been gone. We even saved a nest full of eggs. Unfortunately, the mother died before we got to her. Say, would you want one for a pet? They look to hatch soon, so they'll need a good $Gfather:mother;. What do you say? If you're really interested, take one of the eggs to Quentin at the race tracks in Shimmering Flats. He'll tell you more.



Why hello, <Class>. Don't let my location fool you, I'm really not here for the races... as entertaining as they may be. I'm actually here in Thousand Needles investigating all I can to find out how salvageable the land is. It has become my crusade of sorts to revitalize and replenish the area with new, fertile soil. Perhaps I'll find there's a water source nearby. Tell me you haven't noticed how odd the transition between Feralas and Thousand Needles is. Strange magic was afoot when that happened.

Ah, a sprite darter egg, and one near maturation, if I'm not mistaken. Remarkable you've found one, let alone in this good a condition. They're rarely seen in Feralas these days. I understand there were various poachers in the area trying to capture and kill them for many reasons. Too bad really... such beautiful creatures when they reach adulthood. How did you come across such a find?


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1500 experience
  • 25 reputation with Darnassus