Are We There, Yeti?

Collect 10 Thick Yeti Furs for Umi Rumplesnicker in Everlook.

My friends are always coming up with great ideas. I've never felt like I could match them... until today! I just drew up the plans for something great! If you promise not to tell, I'll let you in on the secret... I'm going to make a mechanical yeti! Not only are my friends sure to be freaked out when they see it, but when they get over that, I know they'll be impressed! I need thick yeti fur from the ice thistle yeti to start with. Will you help? You'll find them to the southeast.



I've got lots to get started on here. Please get me those furs as soon as you can!

These furs are perfect, <Name>. We're off to a great start here!

You will receive:

85 Silver
1 Gold
22 Silver
50 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 6250 experience
  • 150 reputation with Everlook
Quest Item Drops