Delivery to Andron Gant

Bring the Tablet of Markri to Andron Gant in Undercity.

Andron Gant is my next contact. He usually holds himself up in the Undercity... right near the Apothecarium. He was a little more loose-lipped when it came to speaking about what he wanted the Tablet for. Apparently some of the mages of Undercity are looking to study some of the arcane spells the highborne used. They think this tablet will help them. Markri was adept at summoning creatures; especially elementals. Take the Tablet of Markri and return to me for your part of the reward.



Well... ... isn't this a surprise? An adventurererere... ! What c'n I do for you... ?

Here, take some coin... get yerself... <hic>... some new armor or something.... This'll bring a shiny gold or two to the right... <hic> people.

You will receive:

60 Silver
82 Silver
20 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 3700 experience