Troll Temper

Bring 20 Vials of Troll Temper to Trenton Lighthammer in Gadgetzan.

The Sandfury trolls of Zul'Farrak make a tempering agent from sandstones, and I can use that to temper the goods I craft, yes I can! It is highly prized by connoisseurs, so if you bring me a good supply of the temper, then I'll reward you well. Zul'Farrak is northwest of Gadgetzan. Good luck.


Did you bring me the temper, <Name>?

Ah, this is very nice temper indeed! And so much of it! I'll be at work for days before I use it all! Thank you, <Name>. Please, take this as payment.

You will receive:

1 Gold
95 Silver
2 Gold
44 Silver
50 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 8250 experience
Quest Item Drops