Report to Ironforge

Take Ironband's Progress Report to Prospector Stormpike.

We'll need approval to get Ironband more blastpowder. You'll have to take his report to the Explorers' League headquarters in Ironforge. Here's the report. Give it to Prospector Stormpike, and don't forget to duck after you deliver it. Stormpike is hotheaded, and he won't be happy to hear of Ironband's slow progress at the site. You'll find Stormpike in the Assembly of Explorers.



We Stormpikes don't like being bothered with trivial matters, <Class>. I hope you brought news worthy of my valuable attention.

Curse that Ironband! I sent him a load of blastpowder weeks ago, but he's made no mention of it in this report. So...where did the blastpowder go?!?

You will receive:

1 Silver
75 Copper
5 Silver
5 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 550 experience
  • 75 reputation with Ironforge
Excavation Progress ReportReport to IronforgePowder to IronbandResupplying the ExcavationAfter the AmbushProtecting the Shipment