Seeking Strahad

Speak to Strahad Farsan in Ratchet.

I have taught you skills in the past, but the time has come for another to teach you. He is in Ratchet, and his name is Strahad. He is human, but do not let that fool you into thinking he is weak. He is powerful even though he may be small. He can teach you about more powerful summonings--I feel you are ready. Go to him now. He is in Ratchet... above the port town next to his tower.


A busy day in Ratchet, isn't it? How I enjoy watching the toil of a port city. So much mystery, so much adventure... so much ignorance. Is that hatred I see in your eyes, <Name>? Good, we will put that to good use.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 55000 experience