The Altar of Zul

Check the top of the Altar of Zul, then return to Gryphon Master Talonaxe.

Sharpbeak was not with the Witherbark trolls. Perhaps the Vilebranch trolls took him. Go to the Altar of Zul on the western edge of Vilebranch territory and search for the gryphon child.



Hurry, <Name>! If the Vilebranch trolls have Sharpbeak, then who knows what they might be doing with him!

Sharpbeak wasn't there? That is bad news, but it is good news too... It is good that he was not at the Altar of Zul for the Vilebranch trolls are known for performing sacrifices. I thank you for all of your aid, but I'm afraid I have an even greater task ahead.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 6250 experience