Save Techbot's Brain!

Bring Techbot's Memory Core to Tinkmaster Overspark in Ironforge.

When our beloved city Gnomeregan fell, a rogue spark must have jolted my poor creation, Techbot. It once aided me and my associates with its countless gizmos and limitless store of information, but its positronic brain has polarized. Now it's negatronic... and Techbot's behaviors are reversed. It roams Gnomeregan in a frenzy! But perhaps it can be salvaged. Perhaps, if you can retrieve Techbot's memory core and bring it to me, I can discover the cause of the polarization and fix my poor Techbot.



Did you find Techbot? Did you retrieve its memory core??

Oh, this is wonderful! Thank you, <Name>! I'll get to work immediately!! Poor, poor Techbot... Don't feel bad. We'll get you fixed. Now, where did I put that plug for my hydro-jack swivel spanner...

You will receive:

20 Silver
36 Silver
20 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 2700 experience
  • 350 reputation with Gnomeregan Exiles
Quest Item Drops


Techbot's Memory Core

