The Touch of Zanzil

/Lay down to be examined by Doc Mixilpixil. How can he find the cure if he can't find the cause?

Oh my, you look like death. Correction - I've seen death, you look worse than death. You, <sir/miss>, would be what death coughed up at his last physical. Hah! You hear that Noarm? Write that one down! *Cough* Hrm yes, in order for me to help you, I'll need to draw some blood. Don't worry, it only hurts the first few... fifty times or so... /lay down when you're ready for the treatment, <Name>.


When you're ready for the examination, /lay down on the ground and I'll begin the phlebotomy.

Give me a moment to confer with my colleagues, <Name>. Dr. Montgomery, Mr. Noarm, let us conference!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 150 experience