Badlands Reagent Run

Acquire the reagents Ghak Healtouch needs from the Badlands, then return to him in Thelsamar.

<Class>, I would make use of your services. I am an alchemist of some note, and I seek your aid in acquiring some reagents found out in the Badlands. I need the following items to replenish my stocks: five buzzard gizzards, ten crag coyote fangs, and five rock elemental shards. Obviously, you can get them off of the beasties themselves; if you're not the fighting type, then find friends who are. Acquire these items for me, you'll get some coin out of the deal. Well, what say ye?



Have you gotten the things I need yet? You won't get paid unless you bring me those reagents.

Ah, well done <Name>. These should last me for a little while at least. Here is your pay, as promised. If you're interested, I have some more reagents I could use. These, however, are only found in the depths of the Uldaman excavation. They will not be easy to get, but I will make it worth your while if you are interested in helping me again. Perhaps something more than some shiny coins, yes?

You will receive:

45 Silver
69 Silver
60 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 4100 experience
  • 250 reputation with Ironforge
Quest Item Drops