Uncommon Scents

Report to Inspector Snip Snagglebolt in Stormwind.

Something's not right about this Crown Chemical Company. Steamwheedle's got eyes on 'em, and we could use a few more. Head to Stormwind if you're interested in helping us out. Inspector Snip Snagglebolt is heading up the investigation there, and he can use all the help he can get.


Hey. You got some time on your hands? I could use someone like you.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

Uncommon ScentsSomething StinksPilfering PerfumeFireworks At The Gilded RoseHot On The TrailA Friendly Chat...Crushing the CrownCrushing the CrownCrushing the CrownCrushing the CrownCrushing the CrownCrushing the CrownCrushing the CrownCrushing the Crown