A Friendly Chat...

Go to Stormwind Harbor and question Snivel Rustrocket about the supplies. Return with any evidence he gives you.

<Marion listens with horror as you tell her why you're trying to track down Snivel.> You mean, he might've used some kind of chemical on me? Ew! I can't believe I fell for that fraud! If he's finished all of his errands, he's on his way down to the docks to catch a ship to the South Seas! Whatever you do, <Name>, you can't let him get away with this. Hurry down to Stormwind Harbor before you miss him!


Did you find the guy, or did he crawl under a rock?

You got his ledger? Really? That's great, <Name>. There's probably loads of good information in here.

You will receive:

3 Gold
70 Silver
13 Gold
63 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 165500 experience