Badlands Reagent Run

Bring 5 Buzzard Gizzards, 10 Crag Coyote Fangs, and 5 Rock Elemental Shards to Jarkal Mossmeld in Kargath, Badlands.

<Name>, I could use your aid if you're up for it. I am an alchemist of some note, and I seek your aid in acquiring some reagents found out in the Badlands. I need the following items to replenish my stocks: five buzzard gizzards, ten crag coyote fangs, and five rock elemental shards. Obviously, you can get them off of the beasties themselves; if you're not the fighting type, then find friends who are. Acquire these items for me, you'll get some coin out of the deal. Watcha wanna do?



Have you gotten the things I need yet? You won't get paid unless you bring me those reagents.

Ah, well done! These should last me for a little while, at least. Here is your pay as promised. If you're interested, I have some more reagents I could use. These, however, are only found in the depths of the Uldaman excavation. They will not be easy to get, but I will make it worth your while if you are interested in helping me again. Perhaps something more than some shiny coins, yes?

You will receive:

45 Silver
69 Silver
60 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 4100 experience
  • 250 reputation with Darkspear Trolls
Quest Item Drops