Brutal Armor

Bring to Thun'grim Firegaze 15 Smoky Iron Ingots, 10 Powdered Azurite, 10 Iron Bars and a Vial of Phlogiston.

I have heard tales of your strength and valor, and wish to make for you a suit of armor, a companion to aid you as tales of your great deeds grow. But the fashioning of this armor will be a quest unto itself, <Name>. I will need your help, and the help of other smiths of the Horde. Here, take this scroll. I spent many nights, struggling with near-blind eyes, writing that which I need for the armor. Bring me the items on this scroll and I will create for you the first piece of the suit.


Do you have the items on my scroll, <Name>?

You brought all that I asked. Now, I will do my part...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 3700 experience
Quest Item Drops