Tome of the Cabal

Retrieve the Moldy Tome and Tattered Manuscript for Jorah Annison in the Undercity.

Ah! I see that you are a warlock of similar tastes to mine. Indeed, acquiring the Tome of the Cabal is a worthy aspiration. Did you know that it was once held within the walls of Lordaeron? It was vandalized though, almost half its pages removed. Who would commit such a heinous act? That half is lost, though rumor says that it fell into the hands of the centaur of the Thousand Needles. The rest of the text was to be transferred to Ironforge, but was lost in transit on the coast west of Southshore.


It may be that you are chasing after fairy tales, <Name>, but truth can be found at the center of even the wildest rumors.

Well well well! What do we have here? This is impressive, <Name>. I wouldn't have thought it possible, but here it is in my very hands, the complete Tome of the Cabal. Allow me to leaf through its pages for just a moment before you are off again.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 6000 experience