
Bring 12 Electropellers to Wizbang Cranktoggle in Auberdine.

We know you're lucky, but... just how lucky are you, <Name>? One night I was wandering the roads of Darkshore. I was looking for a good river or lake to try my new self-propelled, exploding duck decoy and I think I was a little tipsy... because I passed out and awoke hours later in Auberdine. My hair was singed and my bag of electropellers was gone! I must have dropped them in the water! I need those electropellers! Maybe you can fish them out of some lake or stream in Darkshore...


Did you find any electropellers? I'll need them if I'm to continue my research on duck decoys...

I can't believe it! You found them! You are the best fisherman I've ever seen! Thank you, <Name>. And here, take these. Although you're so good and you probably don't need them, they will help you with your fishing.


You will also get these rewards:

You will also receive:

5 Silver
10 Silver
40 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 900 experience
  • 250 reputation with Gnomeregan Exiles