Gryphon Master Talonaxe

Speak with Gryphon Master Talonaxe inside the Aerie Peak Aviary.

So you're a glorified errand <boy/girl> for some old Explorers' League geezer, eh? Well you listen to me, <Class>. I don't know who your old buddy was flying around with down in Azeroth. Do I look like Gryphon Master Talonaxe to you? Do I? If you're so interested in the flight assignments why don't you ask the gryphon master? If I catch you idling around here for much longer, I'm going to put you to some real work. Now get a move on.



Ah, yes. Of course I remember sending one of my gryphon riders to lend a hand to Brohann Caskbelly. Always had a soft spot in my heart for the Explorers' League. My father helped with the initial excavation team that discovered Uldaman as a matter of fact. I sent who I thought was my best gryphon rider at the time with Brohann. He was a chap by the name of Rhapsody Shindigger. And what a gryphon jockey he was! Well until...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1300 experience