Search for Tyranis

Find Tyranis Malem in Desolace.

We were brought here after the orcs slaughtered all our guards and servants. Oh, the terrible things they did to them! I thought surely they would kill us right there and then, but it became obvious they had other plans. Tyranis attempted to speak to them. I think he wanted to impress them with his knowledge of the arcane... I'm not sure why. Please, I can't leave here until I know what's happened to my brother. Find him, then come back for me when his fate is known.



I fear Tyranis will attempt to learn the Burning Blade's secrets and count himself among their kind if they allow it - he has always adored the power magic brings to those who are seduced by it. I'm not sure I could endure returning home to my family with news of Tyranis' spirit flirting with such dangers. It's a terrible enough crime among my kind to pursue such things, but to become that which we attempt to protect ourselves from, well, that's apprehensible.

This is terrible! But I suppose it was necessary. If it wasn't by your hand, it would have surely been by that of my people's. I suppose I should thank you--please forgive me if it doesn't seem sincere. I mean no offense. With the knowledge of my brother's fate in hand, it seems the time for my escape has come. If you are still willing, I will accept your aid in escaping this horrible place. When you are ready, we can make our way to safety.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 2900 experience
  • 250 reputation with Darnassus
Quest Item Drops

Tyranis Malem

Tyranis' Pendant

