Slow-roasted Turkey

Make 5 Slow-Roasted Turkeys and bring them to Francis Eaton near the gates of Orgrimmar.

Every Pilgrim's Bounty feast requires a centerpiece, and for us, that's a slow-roasted wild turkey. I can't think of anything better to bring the meal together. There's a good recipe for it in your bountiful cookbook. Why not hunt some wild turkeys and prepare a few? The turkeys wander all over Tirisfal Glades, so you shouldn't have a problem finding any. Once you're done roasting them, will you bring them to Francis Eaton outside Orgrimmar?


What brings you back to Orgrimmar, <Name>?

These look perfect. Thank you, <Name>. You've truly mastered all the courses of a traditional Pilgrim's Bounty meal.


You will also get these rewards:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 110500 experience
  • 75 reputation with Orgrimmar