Mimiron's Sigil

Prospector Doren at the Ulduar Archivum wants you to obtain Mimiron's Sigil. For more information on obtaining Mimiron's Sigil consult the Archivum Console.

Mimiron's a clever one. His entire abode is rigged with some sort of self-destruction mechanism. Unfortunately yer gonna have to race against it if ye want to get his sigil. Check the Archivum Console for more details if ye need them.



Were you able to obtain the sigil, <Name>?

I've got to hand it to you, <Name>. Our odds might not be the best, but I feel a lot better with you lending a hand.

You will receive:

29 Gold
60 Silver
56 Gold
6 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 44100 experience
Archivum Data DiscThe Celestial PlanetariumMimiron's SigilAlgalonAll Is Well That Ends WellThorim's SigilHodir's SigilFreya's Sigil