Let's Get Out of Here!

Escort Father Kamaros to safety and then report to Brother Keltan aboard Orgrim's Hammer.

The Light smiles upon me. I have not yet died in this living nightmare, but the Scourge will kill me and tear my body apart for use in their 'work' here if I cannot escape. I cannot make it on my own, <Class>, but with your help, I may yet live to fight the Scourge again. Will you help me make my escape before the Scourge's butchers come to finish me off?



You have done well. We thought Father Kamaros lost, for certain. Your bravery will serve as an example to all those who oppose the Scourge.

You will receive:

7 Gold
40 Silver
20 Gold
63 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 22050 experience
  • 0 reputation with Argent Crusade