Tirion's Gambit

Tirion Fordring, at the Crusader's Pinnacle, wants you to obtain and wear a Cultist Acolyte's Hood and meet him at the entrance of the Cathedral of Darkness, northwest of Icecrown Citadel.

Just this morning, my scouts informed me of a Cult of the Damned procession leaving from Icecrown Citadel to the Cathedral of Darkness, bearing an artifact. And now I learn that it might be Arthas's own heart... a thing containing the last bit of his remaining humanity. This is a sign of the Light. As long as such an artifact exists, there is a chance that Arthas Menethil can become a man again! Meet me at the cathedral's entrance. Be sure to bring a cultist's hood -- we're going incognito.



Light be with you, <Name>.

I do not view what we just went through as a failure, <Name>... quite the opposite. By allowing me to peer into his heart, you allowed me to confirm what I needed to know. There is no Arthas Menethil anymore -- there is only the Lich King.


You will also receive:

22 Gold
20 Silver
42 Gold
6 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 33100 experience
  • 500 reputation with Valiance Expedition
  • 500 reputation with Warsong Offensive
  • 500 reputation with Knights of the Ebon Blade
  • 500 reputation with Argent Crusade