Reborn From The Ashes

Gather Fordragon's Shield from the field of battle at Angrathar the Wrath Gate and return it to King Varian Wrynn at Stormwind Keep in Stormwind City.

Our fate is emblazoned upon our souls at birth. Bolvar's fall, while tragic, was unavoidable. All that you can do now is honor your hero, <Name>. Collect Bolvar's shield from the field of battle and return it to your king. When you present the shield to Varian, tell him this: "All is not lost. From the ashes of the fallen will rise a force that will unite nations and purge the evil from this world." He mustn't lose faith. Go now, <Name>. Your people need a hero. They need you.



<King Wrynn brushes away a tear.> <King Wrynn nods.> This is my fault.

The Dragon Queen is right, <Name>. All is not lost. I will be the force that rises from the ashes and I will purge the evil of the Horde from this world. The deaths of our brothers and sisters will not have been in vain.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 24900 experience
  • 500 reputation with Stormwind
  • 500 reputation with Valiance Expedition