Against the Giants

Thassarian on the Skybreaker wants you to bring him 5 Pustulant Spines from the Pustulant Horrors on Mord'rethar.

While it's going to be crucial to defeat the Scourge on the ground, we mustn't neglect the gate itself. The flesh giants on the ramparts are capable of hurling massive boulders and chunks of ice, inflicting devastating damage to enemy infantry below. Muster a force and defeat these giants. We need to know just what we're up against in terms of their strength. Oh... and bring me their spines. If memory serves, there's a little trick I can share with you.



Any success against the giants, <Race>?

Excellent. These look to be usable samples. Time again to use the enemy's strength against them....

You will receive:

14 Gold
80 Silver
31 Gold
33 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 27550 experience
Quest Item Drops

Pustulent Horror

Pustulant Spine

81 - 82
