Poke and Prod

Koltira Deathweaver aboard Orgrim's Hammer wants you to go the Broken Front and defeat 5 Hulking Abominations, 5 Malefic Necromancers, and 5 Shadow Adepts.

While your commander has his focus diluted by his loathing of your Alliance rivals, you can depend on me to direct my attention squarely on the real enemy here - the Lich King and his minions. In order to hold any hope of conquering him at the citadel, your people must take and hold each gate. For now, let us focus on the first. Return to the front and prod their defenses. Look for any sign of weakness that we might exploit. I'll await your report, <Class>.



Well, <Race>? What have you learned?

Really, <Class>? Nothing notable to report? I beg to differ...


You will also receive:

7 Gold
40 Silver
20 Gold
63 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 22050 experience
Orgrim's HammerThe Broken FrontTakes One to Know OnePoke and ProdAgainst the GiantsBasic ChemistryNeutralizing the PlagueCoprous the DefiledThat's Abominable!Sneak PreviewCannot ReproduceRetest NowRetest NowChain of CommandDrag and DropNeed More InfoNo Rest For The WickedNo Rest For The WickedThe Ironwall RampartBefore the Gate of HorrorShatter the ShardsThe Guardians of Corp'retharRaise the BarricadesBlinding the Eyes in the SkyKeeping the Alliance BlindBloodspattered BannersNot a BugNot a BugDrag and DropThat's Abominable!