Vengeance Be Mine!

Brigg in Utgarde Pinnacle wants you to kill King Ymiron.

Och! They cannae be blamed, <lad:lass;. Who'da done different? They hurled themselves at them piles o' gold - thought they'd hit the mother lode, they did. Aye... But look at 'em now. Mindless servants unable to pick up a single doubloon. Only luck spared me from the same fate. In the scurry I got knocked down - was a wee bit tipsy to begin with. Looked up ta see the first of 'em turn... Be a good $g lad/lass> and find the one in charge here and teach 'em not ta be cursin' me mates.



Ya find the one in charge here, <Race>? Did ya make 'em suffer?

Splendid! Mebbe now me mateys be able ta rest in peace. Here ya go, lad.Don't let it be said that ol' Brigg weren't generous ta those who showed 'im a kindness. Good doin' business wit yeh.


You will also receive:

29 Gold
60 Silver
56 Gold
6 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 44100 experience