A Change of Scenery

Reconvene with Lok'lira the Crone in Brunnhildar Village.

Excellent. There's an exit in the eastern end of the mine that leads to Brunnhildar Village. Follow it and I'll meet you there. We must not be seen together so no one suspects you of aiding me. I'll use my magic to disguise my appearance. Do not worry, <Race> -- we'll find your friend in no time.



You're here -- good. I think I know where your goblin is.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 2200 experience
They Took Our Men!Leave No Goblin BehindThe Crone's BargainMildred the CruelDisciplineExamples to be MadeA Certain PrisonerA Change of SceneryIs That Your Goblin?The HyldsmeetTaking on All ChallengersYou'll Need a BearGoing BearbackCold HeartedDeemed WorthyMaking a HarnessThe Slithering DarknessThe Last of Her KindThe Warm-Up Into the PitBack to the PitPrepare for GloryLok'lira's Parting GiftThe DrakkensrydDefending Your TitleMaintaining DisciplineSibling RivalryMending Fences