Free Your Mind

Baron Sliver at the Shadow Vault wants you to use the Sovereign Rod on the corpses of Vile, Lady Nightswood, and The Leaper.

Vile, Lady Nightswood, and The Leaper would make excellent weapons in the fight against the Lich King if they can be broken from his will. That is what the Sovereign Rod is for. You'll find them on the ledges to the east and west of the vault, as well as on the mid-tier of the vault above us. The rod is to be used upon the corpses of the three. Fly now. We will have them as our own!



You have NOT turned them yet. Do not insult my intelligence, <Class>!

We will put those three to good use once we finally take the vault. Speaking of which....


You will also receive:

14 Gold
80 Silver
31 Gold
33 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 27550 experience
  • 350 reputation with Knights of the Ebon Blade