Slightly Unstable

Deliver Jeer's Improved Land Mines to Ricket in K3.

Looking good! No, not you - my new mines. You're just a little full of yourself, aren't you? I, on the other hand, am absolutely brilliant! My intellect cannot be matched. What were we talking about? Oh yes, my new mines! New and improved... ready for whatever devious use Ricket has concocted. Be a <good lad/doll> and go hand them off to Ricket, will you? She's right over there... it should be quite the epic journey, I'm sure. Be careful though, she's a little loopy.



Jeer finished the mines? Dandy.

Well, aren't these just the cutest little packets of destruction you've ever seen?!

You will receive:

68 Silver
1 Gold
97 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 2150 experience