Clean Up

Jeer Sparksocket at K3 would like 10 pieces of Charred Wreckage.

To the point... Ricket's asked me to put together some stronger land mines, but I'm running low on parts. Just west of town, you'll find the remains of our last rocket sled... Ricket got a little excited when she was fueling it, but I probably should have thought to not put the nozzle right over the exhaust. Live and learn, eh? There should be a good stock of spare parts scattered around the destroyed sled... why don't you go ahead and chase off those scavengers and nab me some of that wreckage?



We have to have something we can use to insulate our engines against this cold... think, Jeer, think! Oh hey! Did you get some of that wreckage for me?

These will do nicely, thanks! Did you happen to see Dim out there? I sent him out a long while back and he never came back. I hope he's alright. Speaking of which... I wonder where Janks is...

You will receive:

6 Gold
80 Silver
19 Gold
76 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 21600 experience