Exterminate the Intruders

The Avatar of Freya at the Rainspeaker Rapids wants you to go to the Death's Hand Encampment to the northwest and slay 8 Cultist Infiltrators.

I am an embodiment of but one aspect of Freya, daughter of the titans. I am the Lifewarden -- I was left here to protect this land against the threat of the Scourge. I never anticipated the Lich King would send willing living servants to do his work. I could easily crush these cultists myself, but I am all that stands between the undead armies and the rest of the basin. Go, <Name>. Deliver my wrath to these insolent trespassers.



Have you destroyed the trespassers, <Name>?

You speak the truth. The intruders at the camp were dealt with... but I'm afraid it might have been too late.


You will also receive:

6 Gold
50 Silver
19 Gold
34 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 21400 experience