Forced Hand

Kill 8 Frenzyheart Spearbearers and 6 Frenzyheart Scavengers for Mistcaller Soo-gan at Mistwhisper Refuge. If you lose Jaloot's Favorite Crystal, speak to High-Oracle Soo-say in Rainspeaker Canopy.

We try to be nice to puppy-men ever since they came, but they nothing but mean. We okay with them being dumb - they not do much harm. Now they mess with sacred shrines though. Sacred shrines not for messing with. The Great Stones are here from all the way back when the Great Ones made us. We wouldn't know what to do if the Great Mist Stone were hurt. Go to their camp to north... make puppy-men stop and not come back!



They always want fight! We no want fight, but we need to protect sacred stuffs.

You squash good. Thank you for help.

You will receive:

6 Gold
50 Silver
19 Gold
34 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 21400 experience
  • 350 reputation with The Oracles
Playing AlongTormenting the SoftknucklesThe Sapphire QueenFlown the Coop!Mischief in the MakingA Rough RideThe Mist Isn't ListeningHoofing ItJust Following OrdersFortunate MisunderstandingsGods like Shiny ThingsMaking PeaceBack So Soon?Forced HandHome Time!The Angry GorlocThe Mosswalker SaviorA Hero's BurdenHand of the OraclesFrenzyheart ChampionLifeblood of the Mosswalker ShrineThe Lost Mistwhisper TreasureMake the Bad Snake Go AwayLightning Definitely Strikes TwiceThe Underground MenaceThe Wasp Hunter's ApprenticeThe Ape Hunter's Slave