Welcome to Sholazar Basin

Follow the path to the northwest to reach the camp that Monte mentioned.

So, where did you come from? I don't suppose that fool of an archmage sent you, too? You're lucky to be in one piece, <laddie/lass>! They nearly blew you up! The jungle here's a darned dangerous place, 'specially with the Venture Company about. Git you! Go see the boss... he'll sort you out. The camp's at the end of that path to the northwest. Now, git!



Hah! It's not often you run into a complete stranger in the middle of the jungle. You one those druid lackeys sent to "stop me and my evil ways?" Yeah, good luck with that one! <Hemet lets out a hearty laugh and pats his gun.> Didn't think so! You're more than welcome to join us in the hunt, soon as we've dealt with those Venture Company dogs. There'll be plenty to go around.

You will receive:

3 Gold
10 Silver
9 Gold
46 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 10600 experience